Monday, January 3, 2011

So much to say!

Sorry that I've been out of reach for the past few days. It's been crazy busy! First and foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! So far 2011 has been great, and I hope that has been off to a good start for all of my friends as well. NYE was an interesting day. My camera immediately went out on me, so I had to borrow my roommate Desiree's camera. I haven't uploaded the pictures on my computer yet, but as soon as I do I will share. We had a crazy day of tours and classroom time, then we made it back to the hotel with only 30 minutes to get ready and head to a Kovalm beach resort for NYE. The hotel that we hung out at was a Laurie Baker design built by COST FORD, the NGO that we have been graciously hosted by during our stay in India. Needless to say there was dancing, walking on the beach and even my first taste of King Fisher beer. Actually not too bad. I remember a distinct fruity after taste. Once again, pictures will be posted soon.

The next day was jam packed with a trip to the Laurie Baker Center (LBC), a traditional Kerala lunch and finished off with an inspirational tour of the International Institute for Social Entrepreneurs (IISE). BTW~ Please check out
Walking up the road to the LBC

Laurie Baker's version of a window

All of the sudden, it was just me and the mango.

Staircase in the LBC

Beautiful flowing lines

Lades and Gentlemen, Mr. Laurie Baker...

Roots of a coconut tree

More LBC. I just can't get enough.

A time to reflect...

Cool shot from Keith's house

Mangoes brought to life

Are ya freakin' serious? I can eat all I want want and feed my "dishes" to the cow? Sold.

Self employed Indian women making paper.
(this whole situation is an entire blog in itself that I intend to write soon)

I am in love with the plant life out here.

Okay y'all. Seeing that it is roughly around 11pm and I have been up since 5:15 am so I could try to catch the sun rise in Kanyakumari, I am going to bed. But I do promise to write about the fun stuff I did this weekend and hopefully post pics form the last day of 2010.

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